UC Davis


UC Davis established the Center for Nutrition in Schools (CNS) in response to the needs of teachers and administrators for nutrition education resources and professional development opportunities. CNS provides research-based nutrition education programs and resources that improve student health and assist students in achieving their full potential...


The Shaping Healthy Choices Program is a multi-component, school-based intervention that was developed to improve children’s health. The program integrates activities within four components: nutrition education and promotion, family and community partnerships, foods available on the school campus with an emphasis on regional agriculture, and school...


The Student Farm at UC Davis is a community where students work to create, maintain, and explore sustainable food systems. At the farm, students grow in many ways, learning from seasoned field-based educators, from their peers, and from themselves. They come to understand sustainability through the soils, crops, climate, and community in which they work...


SNaX is a school-based program that aims to empower students and families to make healthy decisions about nutrition and exercise. On their website, designed for students, parents, and community members, you will find SNaX materials (videos, parent worksheets, student advocate guides, and bookmarks) to help students learn fun facts about healthy eating...


SAREP provides leadership and support for scientific research and education in agricultural and food systems that are economically viable, conserve natural resources and biodiversity, and enhance the quality of life in the state's communities.

SAREP serves farmers, farmworkers, ranchers, researchers, educators, regulators, policy makers, industry...


FFHI will lead the improvement of individual health through diet by acting as an engine for research, innovation, and economic development supported by competitive research programs, industry collaborations, and philanthropic funding. The Institute links diverse scientific disciplines across the colleges and schools of UC Davis, and develops regional and...