The Daily Scoop
The Daily Scoop is a series of fun, kid-friendly nutirition tips. They can be added to the daily school-wide announcements or to a teacher's opening routine.
The messages are designed as an easy nutrition education tool to help schools/districts meet wellness policy goals, and elevate the importance of nutrition education to a daily practice without adding more than 30 seconds a day to a teacher's busy routine.
Each monthly series features:
- a fruit and vegetable Harvest of the Month,
- a Cool Bean of the Month with a cultural connection,
- a printable classroom poster featuring monthly harvests, cool beans, and cool kids,
- a national health campaign (like National Salad Month in May),
- "Let's Move" physical activity ideas,
- an overarching environmental theme, and
- a monthly take home recipe card, with nutrition information for parents.
Each season issue can be received by teachers either by subscribing to our monthly mailing list, or by downloading directly from the website.
The Daily Scoop provides resources to schools in the form of print-outs, read-aloud nutrition tips, take-home recipe cards, and posters – all ready-to-go for the classroom. It’s free and available to start at any time during the school year!