Interdisciplinary Research
CAFÉ fosters research, facilitates interactions with external clientele and funders, and disseminates scientific information to the public. It strengthens linkages with the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) as well as with other faculty working on issues relevant to agriculture (e.g., climate change, invasive species, economics of...
Evaluation for Transformation defines outcomes that farm-to-school has the potential to achieve and offers language, guidelines, and metrics to understand outcomes and assess programs. Beyond the four sectors (public health, community economic development, education, and environmental quality), the framework is structured around three levels of...
The Food Studies graduate certificate program offers UCLA PhD, MA, and professional school students from diverse disciplines the opportunity to investigate complex topics spanning food cultures and histories, nutrition and public health, food policy and food justice, urban planning, and agrifood systems and the environment.
FFHI will lead the improvement of individual health through diet by acting as an engine for research, innovation, and economic development supported by competitive research programs, industry collaborations, and philanthropic funding. The Institute links diverse scientific disciplines across the colleges and schools of UC Davis, and develops regional and...